Kuan-Wei Huang

PhD Candidate @ Carnegie Mellon University
  • 3 first-author and 1 co-author journal papers
  • 5+ years experience in modeling and analyzing data with statistics and machine learning to study the Universe with billion-source datasets
  • Domain knowledge: statistical modeling, Bayesian analysis, kernel density estimation, big data, machine learning, astrophysics

GitHub | LinkedIn | kuanweih@andrew.cmu.edu

Aug 2016 - present

As a Physics PhD candidate at Carnegie Mellon University, I've worked on several data-driven astrophysical projects utilizing both billion-source observational sky surveys and state-of-art hundred-billion-particle cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. Studying the Universe by modeling and analyzing data with statistics and machine learning, I've published 3 first-author journal papers. Chick for more details :)

Alongside the research, I've served as a teaching assistant for courses:

  • 33-224 Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
  • 33-104 Experimental Physics
  • 33-100 Basic Experimental Physics
Chick for more detail :)

Aug 2014 - Jul 2016

As a Master's student in Physics at National Taiwan University, I've refactored an MPI hydrodynamic solver to cope with the quantum wave dark matter to study computational cosmology as my thesis research. Besides the thesis, I've also contributed to another co-author journal paper. Chick for more details :)


Ph.D. - Physics - Carnegie Mellon University
  Advisor: Sergey Koposov
  Aug. 2016 - present. Pittsburgh, USA.

M.S. - Physics - National Taiwan University
  Thesis: Numerically solving the Schrodinger equation in the hydrodynamic form
  Advisor: Tzihong Chiueh
  Sept. 2014 - Jul. 2016. Taipei, Taiwan.

B.S. - Physics - National Taiwan University
  Sept. 2009 - Jun. 2013. Taipei, Taiwan.

Skills and Tools

Python - 5+ years experience
PyTorch | Scikit-Learn | Pandas | Jupyter | NumPy | SciPy | Seaborn | Astropy

PostgreSQL | Unix/Bash shell | C: MPI, OpenMP, GSL | Mathematica | LaTeX | Git | Latex | Linux: Slurm, PBS

Domain Knowledge


English | Mandarin | Taiwanese Hokkien


Tennis | Snowboarding | Cooking